Offer for Women Footballers

We also dynamically operate on the market of women's football

Offer for Women Footballers

We have a special offer for soccer players who dream of becoming a professional football player. We are the only football agency in Europe to have so many women in our team. WS Progres female football players are currently being tested throughout Europe, mainly in Poland, France, Germany, Spain and Portugal.

Despite such a difficult task, our football agency is open to cooperation with talented players. We will gladly lead your football career and develop your skills. The rules for joining our agency for girls are the same as for the requirements for players.

We have ambitious plans for activities in the women’s football market. Currently, we are creating the foundations and infrastructure for our future activities, and we also encourage all people and football entities to cooperate in the development of female football.


999 EUR for 1 year


1999 EUR for 1 year