About Us

An innovative football agency on a global scale

About us

We are an innovative, modern Football Agency providing comprehensive football services in the field of the development of a young professional. The main ideology of our agency is to recruit the most talented, progressive players, “amateurs” – rough diamonds aged 15-21 from all over Poland and Europe.

We are not a typical football agency, managers – mercenaries focused only on financial matters. We are only a football agency by name, in fact WS Progres is a modern football project, the aim of which is to spread an innovative football idea in Poland. In order to meet high expectations, we have recently created a special offer for already formed footballers aged 21-28.

We have huge plans for the future, which unfortunately were definitely stopped by the coronavirus, we intend to create our own club and football academy. We are dynamically developing our YT channel, where we publish many interesting, substantive issues regarding the development of a young footballer. We also want to build our professional sports complex with an office.

We are planning many innovative projects on a global scale.


Our football agency is the only agency of this type in Poland, modeled on the Nike Football project. We comprehensively train our players in every respect: football, physical, mental, educational and life. We work with the best specialists in Poland, including with the European Champion in bodybuilding and the World Champion in Karate, who will effectively take care of your physical development.

Experienced coaches from the PSS group are responsible for football training, while qualified sports psychologists will take care of your mental development. Each of our players receives a comprehensive package of services and goods: individual insurance, diet, a set of exercises, equipment, professional agency football uniform from Nike, video match reports and much more.

No football agency will offer you such a comprehensive package of a professional footballer for such a relatively low price! We work with many professional and “amateur” clubs all over Poland, in addition, we also own an IT company that will effectively take care of your promotion on the Internet.

We also work with the SEQUEL law firm dealing with legal provisions related to football contracts and transfer contracts. In addition, we are the owners of an esports organization, we combine real and virtual football through the FIFA series of games! We cordially invite you to contact our friendly, professional football agency!