How to find a football manager? Football agent in Europe

In the competitive world of football, the manager plays a crucial role in shaping the team’s success and identity. Finding the right football manager is a complex task that involves considering various factors beyond just tactical knowledge. This guide outlines steps and considerations for clubs in search of a new manager.

Understanding Club Needs

  • Club Philosophy and Goals: Identify the club’s long-term vision and immediate goals. Does the club need a manager who excels in nurturing young talent, or someone with a track record of winning titles?
  • Team Dynamics: Understand the current squad’s strengths and weaknesses. The ideal candidate should complement and enhance the existing team.

Sourcing Candidates

  • Networking: Utilize existing networks within the football community. Recommendations from trusted sources can provide valuable leads.
  • Headhunting Firms: Professional sports headhunting firms specialize in identifying and approaching suitable candidates.
  • Public Advertisements: While less common, some clubs opt to publicly advertise the position to attract a wider pool of candidates.

Assessing Qualifications and Experience

  • Coaching Credentials: Ensure the candidate has the necessary coaching licenses and qualifications.
  • Track Record: Review their past managerial experience, achievements, and style of play. Consider how these align with the club’s objectives.

Conducting Interviews and Evaluations

  • In-depth Interviews: Conduct comprehensive interviews to gauge the candidate’s vision, tactical approach, and management style.
  • Scenario Analysis: Present hypothetical scenarios to understand how the candidate would handle various challenges and situations.

Considering Managerial Style

  • Tactical Acumen: Evaluate their tactical knowledge and flexibility. Can they adapt their tactics to different opponents and situations?
  • Player Development: Consider their ability to develop and nurture talent, especially if the club focuses on youth development.
  • Leadership Qualities: Assess their leadership and communication skills. A good manager should inspire and motivate the team.

Negotiating Terms

  • Contract Negotiation: Once a suitable candidate is identified, negotiate contract terms that align with both the manager’s expectations and the club’s financial constraints.
  • Exit Clauses: Clearly define terms for contract termination to avoid future disputes or financial burdens.

Integrating the New Manager

  • Club Introduction: Provide a comprehensive introduction to the club’s culture, expectations, and resources.
  • Transition Period: Allow a period of adjustment and support the manager in understanding the team and the league.

Continuous Evaluation

  • Performance Monitoring: Regularly review the manager’s performance against the club’s objectives and goals.
  • Feedback and Support: Maintain open lines of communication and provide the necessary support for the manager to succeed.


Finding the right football manager is a strategic process that involves thorough research, careful consideration, and clear communication. The ideal candidate should align with the club’s philosophy, have the necessary experience and qualifications, and possess the ability to lead and develop the team effectively.